Work with me to create a Volume of Wisdom and Knowledge …

Guiding Principles, as our foundations for all governing, embedded into the Constitution under a Bill of Human Rights and Responsibilities to give us a shared way of living. And anchor us for life.

When we are guided in the how and why of life we makes sense, because we know what it is we are connecting to. We naturally feel our sense of belonging.

 Our journey is to learn how to have a strong, clear and intimate understanding of the world we live in. And our relationship to being able to speak with the full expression of an open Heart.

Our most basic right is to understand how our mind communicates.

Work with me, so that together, we can open the Minds of everyone in demonstrating the importance of teaching how and what it is we are connecting to. Our ability to stay connected to our feeling Heart from our earliest years forms the right habits to raising a strong Mind, a healthy body and an emotionally balanced human being.

In documenting this precious work we can create a ‘Volume of Wisdom and Knowledge’ to embed into our rule book as a shared guide for creating an in-common practice of principles to actively live by.

We have the power to reshape the minds of our thinking, teaching and learning so that our contemporary society and Constitution truly reflects the nature of our being, empowering us all to live a life with shared values anchored in who we are and our sense of belonging.

If you are an individual, a family member, an organisation, an institution, or a member of a community group, and you would like to document your experiences and the wisdom gained from your healing journey, and/or way of living, then I invite you to work with me. Connecting the dots of who you are and how your Mind learnt to communicate will help reshape the way we govern.

We know governing starts from the inside out.

Qualitative research with honest and sensitively produced black and white images to accompany stories of strength and courage will gradually change the Hearts of this country, growing empathy and understanding in what creates a loving, caring and whole human being.

Creating this Volume of Wisdom and Knowledge is a slow unfolding and cannot be hurried so that its impact has a lasting effect on the past, present and future of our continuously evolving society and the way we govern, protect and care for Country.