Raising a Society by,

Minding your Mind. Governing from Within. Remembering how to live from your Heart, your Soul.

Feeling your Feelings. Quietening your outer world to hear your Self, your inner world …

Who you are. Why you are here.

"Neither mother, father, nor any other relative can do one greater good than one's own well-directed mind. Dhammapada: Cittavagga ( The Mind ); Verse 43" - The Buddha

What Matters Most?

Building a society on the solid foundations of a strong Mind - a still Mind - is what matters most.

Our most basic human right and responsibility is to know how our Mind communicates, so we are always anchored in the awareness of our feelings and our actions.

Human Rights and Responsibilities is a felt experience. It is a Heart feeling and Mind Soul relationship so we are anchored, connected with our whole Being to meet all of our experiences however they unfold.

Human rights in action is learning how to be responsibly aware of our whole being so that our decisions benefit not only our Self, but all those around us. If this is not taught as common language, then we blindly set our children up to struggle as adults, through no fault of their own, creating a perpetual cycle of disconnect from their Self and their sense of innate love and belonging.

This innate sense of responsibility for loving and taking care of our Whole Self is reflected in how our Mind decides how it wants to think and feel. We always have a choice. When our Heart is open we become the ripple effect of our loving action, reflecting back to us as loving action. This is expressed in how we consciously talk, how we consciously feel and how we consciously behave moment to moment, undistracted by strong emotions that cloud our ability fully feel and hear with clarity and a deeper wisdom.

The freedom we so often speak of comes from having a well being. We feel light and our Mind is consciously anchored in our body, our feelings, our thoughts and our surroundings, without fluctuating emotions and an overactive thinking Mind. Our relationship to everyone and everything feels rich in presence and savoured just as it is. Life feels precious however it unfolds. Good and bad drop away as we allow our Self to feel the full expanse of our emotions without losing sight of our good Self, always anchored by our strong, quiet, still Mind.

Growing and nurturing a still Mind is the most precious gift we can give our children. But we must also give this precious gift to our Self if we are to walk side by side with all children and become tomorrows wise elders. It is our true wealth and our most valuable human asset.

Our sanity and evolution for expanding our human potential can only be fully realised by teaching and learning in all areas of our daily activity how to communicate with our Mind, and to be unafraid, but fearless in using the language of our Spirit and our Heart to speak with sincere honesty. We know when it has come from our Heart. We feel strong in our Spirit, anchored in the consciousness of our being.

We are first and foremost feeling beings.

We are born with emotional intelligence which guides our Heart (feelings) and Soul (consciousness) so that life is experienced through us. And not the thinking mind, which distorts our perception and controls what we think to be true through habitual beliefs, behaviour and embedded attitudes. If we are not present to our Minds thinking we become the bearers of second hand stories without questioning their origin, causing unhappiness to our Self and others.

Our innate human intelligence constitutes - awareness and feelings. This is who we are. This is the truth of our Being. We are a communication tower deciphering the constant shifting movements of our outer world with that of our still present inner world.

When we are present to whatever or whoever grabs our full attention our Mind becomes naturally still, even if for only a brief moment, while our body continues to feel with the aliveness of sensations. This alive energy brings us in unison, or connection with our Mind and is the intersection of how we interpret, and communicate each and every moment of our waking life. Through free will, and our intuition we can either accept and flow with all of our experiences or continue to resist, deny and control them.

Glimpsing the habitual thoughts and stories of our Mind depends on how still our Mind is.

This is at the very Heart of our Society’s dilemmas. And core to understanding the foundations of any Charter of Rights.

It takes practice and discipline to train our Mind to be conscious and in tune with the flow of life.

‘Our Soul communicates to us through our feelings. The more we feel our feelings the more we feel the love that resides within them’. Arnold Patent

We are by nature spiritual beings. Spirituality is universal and encompasses all existence. We are part of a vast source of an intelligent energy which moves through and around us all the time. This intelligent life force belongs to everyone and everything. There is no separation, except what we create with our Minds conditioning of habits, attitudes and beliefs giving rise to confusion about how to belong in the world.

Our intellectual thinking Mind is vastly different from our emotionally intelligent Mind. When we know how to communicate with our Mind, our intellects co-exist so we feel like our whole Self, allowing us to experience life in a harmonious, fun, creative, innovative and peaceful way.

Feeling our Whole Self also gives us the full capacity to challenge our beliefs, attitudes and behaviours, and our innate sense of equality, human dignity and what it is we most value.

Living every moment of every day from the busyness and outward projections of our thinking mind cloaks us in a heaviness of confusion, sadness, loneliness and conflict. It becomes exhausting and our nervous system suffers because of it. We learn to live as human ‘doings’ and forget who we are. We lose connection with our natural feelings of love and compassion for our Self, and instead learn to feel bad about who we are. The joy of our ‘being’ gets buried in confused, foggy, sticky and prickly feelings which get in the way of us connecting from a deeper, more intimate place with our loving Self and those around us, especially those we love most dearly.

We don’t realise what is happening. We adapt and learn to be driven by our thoughts and feelings colliding with our Self and others. We lose the ability to concentrate, stay aware and decipher our external world with certainly and a natural feeling of love. We learn to feel separated and alone. Misunderstood with no language to explain or comfort our vulnerabilities. We feel lost. Life feels hard.

Good governing begins by knowing how to use our Mind so that we respond to our experiences with ease, anchored in the consciousness of our quiet still Mind where there is space to hear more deeply.

When we listen to our feelings with our full attentive awareness we open to our vulnerability, our humility and our common humanity. We learn to bravely face our Self, and the resistance which has clouded and heavily cloaked our perceptions of what is true and what is not.

It takes time, practice, discipline, courage, strength of an already fatigued Mind and determination to unlearn and retrain our Mind to feel at home. But over time this current way of thinking will slowly unpick, unstick and reverse. We begin to see the world the right way up. That is, trusting our Soul, or conscious Mind and making decisions from the inside out.

We slowly learn to see our Self with loving eyes because we are feeling from our Heart and being guided by the wisdom of our beautiful conscious Mind and loving Soul.

Our Constitution was written with a particular mindset for laying out rules for how we should live. It did not however lay down any foundations, guidance, or words of wisdom for teaching how a human being is to grow, expand and be naturally vulnerable to their fears and outer world experiences. Nor does any Charter of Rights, thereby disarming our sense of inborn empowerment to feeling equal.

So fundamental to our well being and our most basic human rights.

Feeling our full worth allows others to feel theirs.

It can be hard to fathom just how intricately we are all woven together, held by the same thread and innate desire for freedom. Within each of us is the history of our ancestors. It is passed to us as our challenge and responsibility to meet, to understand and to courageously transform.

We are the holders of both the future and our history, cupped always in the hands of our present moment choices. We are the implementors of equality and justice for all.

The inequality, abuse, violations and struggles we are seeing in our society today comes from muddled up and confusing ideas about who to believe and what to trust. We are living with a deeply embedded mindset of fear and a feeling of lack. We are suffering from a starvation of love and kindness toward our Self. When we only know what we know because that is what we have learnt we will do whatever it takes to defend and protect our Self, and the false identity we carry in our Mind. This need to protect becomes not the fault of anyone, but the shared responsibility of all of us to bravely inquire into, and expand in new ways of our being, knowing and doing.

When we learn to trust our feeling Heart and our intuitive Mind and Soul, we naturally find our voice, our certainty, our worth and our Self-expression. When we connect in unison to the awareness of our feelings, we connect to all of life and our purpose for being here. We finally make sense.

To have the foundations of our Heart and Soul gently and lovingly disciplined into our Whole Being by way of a Bill of Human Rights and Responsibilities, I have no doubt, it will absolutely bring the muddled mind home to a sense of peace, harmony, truth, fulfilment and generosity of spirit.

This new-found rediscovered truth and Law will change the way we see governing, our Self and our wealth.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, those who say spirituality has nothing to do with politics do not understand what spirituality really means.