Planting the seed of our Heart into the constitution by way of a Bill of Human Rights and Responsibilities so we always remember who we are and why we are here.

‘Each moment of our life shapes the whole of our life, and that we are not always responsible for what befalls us, but we are certainly responsible for our response’

Fr Ignacio Ellacuria SJ (assassinated 1989)


Human Rights and Responsibilities begins as a felt experience. A feeling.

It is a two way movement of the Mind and the Heart.

Our Constitution was written for us, the Australian people. It is ours to bring forth into society as a reflection of our good nature and to lay the foundations for a democratic process that is in harmony with our sense of freedom, expression and truth.

A Volume of ‘Wisdom and Knowledge’ containing Guiding Principles at the beginning of an Australian Bill of Human Rights and Responsibilities is a reminder of who we all are, and it is an echo to our First Nations people to say we hear you, and we walk with you, two Hearts as one.

‘Sovereignty is a spiritual notion’ because we are all spirits, Souls walking this earth together. Let us not forget our connection to each other. We walk in two worlds but we must again learn to walk from our Hearts so that the patterns of our nature are in harmony with our Minds and we can feel our connection to our Self. When we feel the truth of our Heart beat, our love for each other grows naturally, and the stories of our Minds disappear. Our sense of forgiveness, compassion, wisdom and truth lead the way and breathe a new language where voices are heard and we can feel our power in the ever changing flow of life.

Embedding Guiding Principles into our Constitution will safeguard our natural rights and raise a society built by the solid foundations of a strong Mind.

When we are all governed by the same Guiding Principles of Natural Law, there is no confusion about who we are, and how to be.

Being - Knowing - Doing

… learning what to listen to, and why, so that our actions resonate with our inner world feelings. And reflect the goodness of our Heart and the wisdom of our Soul, safeguarding all tiers of governing and our democratic right.

Review of the Human Right Act 2019 (Qld)

How my heart feels

When those of us have felt the terrible ache of suffering and dismantled its ugly cloak from our Soul, new life breathes wisdom into our Heart, for we can never again judge any Soul for what has blinded them so.

 When we are led always, by our compassionate Heart and the language of love, we know that every whisper, every smile, and every kind word might be enough to have an everlasting impression on those still lost in their mind.

 We may never know the might of sincerity’s touch, but over time we may see kindness meet kindness wherever we go’.