Remembering who you are
We make the Soul personal because it is our source of pure creative expression, untouched in all its fragrant beauty. It is you. To love, to hold dear, to speak with and to be in communion with whenever you want. This is why you are never alone. We are our best source of comfort. Erika Fish
Every moment of every day, the primary aspect of our being, our Soul, recognises the gifts which fall into our lap to ease us into the flow of life.
The mind will resist and deny its natural flow of love, gentleness, and joy. It will make up stories which are simply not true, and it will be hard to tell the difference until new patterns are set in motion.
We all gravitate to what feels right in any given moment, because we are all unique, and express our creativity according to the strength of our Minds understanding and innate wisdom.
Self discovery is to will our curiosity towards the infinite expansiveness of our human Mind and what lies beyond. It is our portal to awaking the consciousness of our human condition in its continuous and ever evolving state of mystery and wonder.
Dr Gail Brennen PhD - Psychologist - Sacred Space for Awakened Living
Arnold Patent - Universal Principles
Arnold Patent - The Principles in Practice
Tara Brach PhD- Meditation Teacher, Clinical Psychologist and Author
Tara Brach and Jack Cornfield - Mindfulness Daily - free
Eckhart Tolle - Spiritual Teacher
You can find free youtube teachings by Eckhart Tolle which are highly beneficial. He has many books to choose from. My favourite is Stillness Speaks.
Munya Andrews - Journey into Dreamtime
Munya Andrews - Evolve Communities
Gary Holtz - Secrets of Aboriginal Healing
Helen Schucman - A Course in Miracles
J Krishnamurti - The Wholeness of Life
There are many more wonderful books written by Krishmanurti
Susan Stiffelman - Parenting with Presence
Joan Didion - On Self-Respect
Fleet Maull, PhD - Heart Mind Institute
Prison - Training prisoners, corrections, parole, probations, lawyers, judges and public safety staff
I recommend the above books in audiobook as a way of listening and relaxing
Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka
Vipassana means ‘to see things as they really are’ through self-observation and insight.
It is a meditation technique rediscovered and taught by Gotama Buddha. It has been handed down through the centuries enabling us in this life to reach the highest state of our being, which is a state of pure loving awareness.