Creating a Volume of Wisdom and Knowledge …

Guiding Principles, as our foundations for governing, embedded into the Constitution under a Bill of Human Rights and Responsibilities will give us a shared way of living. And anchor us for life.

When we know the how and why of life we makes sense, because we know what it is we are connecting to.

What are the guiding principles in laying down the foundations of our home?

This is what I would like to explore so that everyone from young people to those elected to govern are living by the same values, laws, moral code and ultimately guiding principles so that we all have the knowledge and ability to clearly differentiate between what is real and what is not. And create opportunity for us all to do the practice in our own time, when we are ready, because eventually we all come home to this yearning to belong by connecting with our feeling heart.

I am currently on a road trip, travelling around Queensland doing my best to feel my connection to Country and to meet people from all walks of life.

My job is simply to listen, to have conversations and to keep seeing life the right way up.

Life is always about the practice.

Learning all the time. Growing stronger with each mishap. Being prepared to feel it all. Words are just that, unless I do the practice of feeling in a new way, and living by my truth. Putting into action what I discover and not being afraid to be my Self - whereby my inner world reflects every part of my outer world experiences.

I see and understand the seeds of our suffering. I also understand the strength of mind and courage of heart it takes to live by the guiding principles of our natural laws. These laws cannot be ignored and are fundamental to our well being.

Natural Law

It is defined as ‘a body of unchanging moral principles’, by Aunty Munya Andrews in her book Journey into Dreamtime.

Finding our way home by way of listening to the Laws of Nature which governs us all is to take the long journey from our head to our heart, by way of feeling our connection to our whole Self, knowing this connection is intrinsically linked to all of life.